Friday, April 9, 2010

Flamvell Cat, Traps, and Idol

I really wanna play this deck now. Lots of random, awesome, strong plays that generate many one for ones and many +1s or +2s. Possibly the BEST synchro generation deck ever.

Flamvell combo is really broken. As you know, one for ones are more than one for ones as I mentioned about Hong's article. They ruin many plans/combos and mess up the opponent's strategy.

Awesome. TCG people are so lucky to get Hamsters :(

On topic: Running many Traps in your deck.

Unless your deck is dedicated to making big plays with monsters, you should be running many traps. Seriously. One for ones are really imprtant this format.

Moreover, unless your deck is gonna make a very big impact with their monsters (like Infernity, Frogs), its a very good idea to run many traps.

Dimension prison, Bottomless Trap Holes runned in multiples are an example of that.

Remember, monsters summoned cant destroy spells/traps (save Breaker, Laila etc) but the traps can destroy the monsters.

Add a couple more traps and you can see how consistent/effective your games can be. You wont find yourself losing so often, and you will see that you will be saved by those spells/traps and the difference it makes is so much.

Example: Look at Gadgets/metabeat decks. They run many traps/one-for-ones while generating advantage and control with several effects.

Now, what if, you implement that strong sense of control in that deck, and then still havec monster combos/plays that can generate you game. Think about it: monsters for speed/beatdown. and spells for synergy of the deck while traps are for control and field removal. This is the simplest concept of Yu-Gi-Oh known to all of us when it was first released. Of course, the old game was not as complex and interesting as it is now.

Decks like BlackWings, Heroes, and Machinas can really do alot by implementing this concept. Imagine BlackWings having good consistent monster presence and control. Heroes with strong fusion plays and control, and Machinas with speed, a big kickass boss Fortress and good monster control. What more could you ask for?

That is why the old synchro cat was so good. It ran many traps. That is why Flamvell Cat is so good too.

So, guys, cut down some spells/monsters and run more traps and one for ones in your deck. You will see a new side of the game that may appeal to you. Running plenty of them will not hurt you and they can kill low monster count beatdown decks. Whereas running too many monsters MAY hurt you.

I played against my friend's old Chaos Stun last format and was pissed with all the monster removal. Trust me, its not fun.

By the way, did you guys notice DD Eatos more or less disappeared from the meta? So, how can you innovate the deck?

Answer: Easy. Run more traps/ one for ones and cut down on the damn hero Gemini combo. Run Rai-Ohs and DCK. It actually works better. Run the gemini hero only if you are running Miracle Fusion/ Super Fusion/ Parallel World Fusion. But, the harsh truth is that variant sucks and proves to be inconsistent. I actually did a decklist/article concerning that at the beginning of the year. Or was it end of last year? Cant really remember. Anyway, check it out if you want to.

Now, for Idol:
NUUUUUU why didn't big mike go out? He ruined/ butchered Eleanor Rigby!!!!! But when the judges saved him, the song he sang was actually good. If only his performance was like that...

My 2 cents for Top 3:

1) Lee DeWyze (definitely)
2) Crystal Bowersox (hell yeah)
3) Casey James (not confirmed)

I'm hoping Aaron Kelly gets into the top 3 instead. His music is more of my type, not what Casey does.
In order for the elimination of contestants (my opinion):
Next week: Andrew and Tim.
Then later (in order): Siobhan, Katie (or Mike), Aaron Kelly (or Casey)

Unless a dark horse emerges (like Kris last season), the run-up is more or less like this. Im hoping Aaron is that dark horse. Katie may be the dark horse... She's getting better. Chain of fools and Let it Be was great.

American duelists who read this: PLEASE ask your friends, sisters, FEMALE accomplices to stop voting Tim only cos he is hot! Yes I saw the shirtless picture of him in one of a fan-made video for Hallelujah. He doesn't deserve it! He is not star material! Screwball.


Neuxcharge said...

Me too! The powa of Da Hamster is Beckoning mee!!!! =D

Exiro said...

You get it. Simplicity is important this format.

I think it should also be said that engines should be small but effective. Stuff like Smashing Ground works better than Gemini Spark.

mike9944 said...

@Exiro- Yup Yup:)

@Neux- Hamster is ugly. Its the Flamvells I tell u!

[HD]Lam said...

eeeq Mike is judging base on appearance >< Hamster is not ugly ><

mike9944 said...

@Lam: OHHH then what is it? Cute???!!

Looks like a typical hamster from some child's cartoon called "Scribbles" or "Nibbles" or "Scrabbles" who just rame back from the dead :D
