Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sour Grapes and a Kaminari Attack

Of course, everybody's favourite topic is Starlight Road.

So being sour grapes, Im gonna say StarLight Road is OVER RATED!!!!! Those who don't have it/ cant afford it/, c'mon say it too!! =D

@ken: ha! im not gonna get 3 even though i can afford it. In fact, I sold off my Stardust =P Not even gonna get 1

Randomness: Ever wondered if this is the guy from Solemn Judgment?

Also, cant wait to see the new sin type cards! Sin Stardust, Blue Eyes, Red Eyes, Dark Magician, Neos? Woah man, woah.


遊戲王新村 said...

T.T my Starlight ^^
hehe my 3 Secret starlight is use it now...picture damn nice

mike9944 said...

Pork =P

I wait my English ones. nicer =P