Tuesday, September 22, 2009

PMR in 2 weeks and one day.

Shoot! PMR coming soon. its only two weeks and im freaking scared. ( Lam, and LGQ, pls dont say its nothing one. Im still scared. After the test, then i shall say that :D )

Next post will be Starlight Road. Its so awesome. Not only do you get to negate a destruction effect for no cost at all. Then you can FRIGHIN summon a Stardust from your extra deck. FOR FREE. In any deck, its like a freebie. I will soon, do a post covering its pros, cons, how efficient it is, and how good its effect is. Its actually quite often when your cards get destroyed in twos. (Arcanite Magician, Heavy storm, lightning vortex, GB Gyzarus.)

Then finally Gorz.

Cant wait till after PMR. KL trip.

@ Alex Yeo: after your O levels, lets go KL play till xong. Room at sam's if he is in KL?


Ken said...

u forgot me , muahahaha , ITS NOTHING 1 XD

GQ said...

not saying its easy. but at least tr to relax la(dun over la). good luck lor!! come KL tell me!!

[HD]Lam said...

PMR is where I start losing faith in my studies. It is also one of my main wrong path of selection of choosing blady science stream

Ken said...

i suddenly felt the 3 of us talking like uncles >.<