Thursday, January 31, 2013

giant trunade or heavy storm?

i dont think there is a need for this post.

but wtheck

i saw some tcg players writing that trunade should replace storm.

are u high...

1) play tenki search bear
2) trunade return tenki
3) summon bear blow thing up and set another tenki.

ballz man

i'd rather have cold wave over trunade. at least in beatdown format, ur s/t r still intact. Not that konami wont release stuff to blow up the field anyway.

anyhow, at least with storm u can still play s/t from ur hand next turn.

play cold wave, summon shock master, whatt.

no, storm must stay !


Bahamut84 said...

yes cold wave should come back

no hero lives otk
no divine wind otk
no tenki chouten toukei otk

seems legit ^^

blackwingEX said...

R1 Tenki... then swap Trunade/Storm?