Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hero Beat In and Out

Today's post will regard some rulings for cards in hero Beat which you MAY or may NOT know. But i can finally post it up since im quitting and it wont hurt to share :D

kudos to andrew for the info. Good luck to Team MYM and team JBW in HK.

However, here are some rulings which you can abuse to shark your opponent or to avoid yourself from being sharked:

a) Gemini Spark and Chaining.

First of all, you must know Gem Spark only lets you draw a card when your opponent's card is successfully destroyed. If the card is tributed or if it is returned to hand/deck/banished , your opponent doesnt draw.

Let us consider the scenarios:

1) Gem Spark opponent's monster but opponent responds with compuls. You dont draw.

2) your opponent gem sparks your alias. You may respond by tributing your alias with your own spark to opponent's card. That way, your opponent will not draw. and they lose 3 cards, while you lose 2, but draw 1. That is a +2 for you. This is a good reminder for hero beat mirror matches. At the same time, in mirror matches, it is safer for you to conserve your sparks to avoid the minuses in this scenario :D It is also safer to chain to your opponent's spell/trap as its almost confirmed you get to draw.

3) You spark opponents facedown s/t but he chains it. IN this case, you DO draw, do not be conned if people tell you that the card was not destroyed. This is because, according to rulings, all cards remain on the field until the entire chain resolve. That means cards arent sent to the graveyard separately but rather as a whole. So, in all cases, you do draw :D This means that the card will still be destroyed. Kudos to Predadent for pointing this out last time.

Next up, is the card: Stratos.

Stratos alone provides SO many ways for you to shark your opponent , which will be discussed later in the post :D

However, there are several things you must know. Stratos has 2 effects. So, lets say you are in malaysia where ppl are careless, when opponent declares stratos effect, you should ask him, which eff? #1 or #2?

Hence opponent may get carelessed or stunned and you may meet a player who thinks that the search effect is the 1st. However thats where your WRONG! The search is #2, and the destroying 1 is #1. If opponent declares first effect, then congratz you just avoided a +1 and your opponent will look dumb  assuming he doesnt have another ehero in his field.

stratos + super polymerization.

Here is a nice trick for you all to know.

Lets say you summon Stratos and declare effect 1 to destroy, when stratos is on the field. opponent will look stunned because there is no other card. ask your opponent for response then after he has done so, you chain super poly, on stratos and opponent's card.

The chain will resolve like this: Super poly resolves and summons monster --> stratos effect resolves in the graveyard. This means when stratos effect resolves you have 1 fusion monster on the field already so you can destroy 1 s/t

This is a nice trick to use when opponent has Skill Drain on the field so you can destroy it :D

Just be careful so that your fusion doesnt get BTH or it will go downhill from there ! If this combo is activated in late game, you will probably win the duel.

Kudos to LGQ for showing this to me during one of our playtesting sessions.


I used this combo to destroy an exodia player on DN. Miracled for something, summon stratos and boom destroyed 2 cards. followed up by shock master next turn and he couldnt do anything :) this is a nice trick to know vs countdown too.

Now for the last and the most important section:


Now this is a very important phrase so you must remember it. This is important because stratos 1st effect activates upon resolution.

huh what does this mean?

simple. Lets say you summon airman. your opponent will have a chance to respond to the summon. Once it goes through, airman effect activates. and it activates upon resolution.

This means that if you summon airman and declares effect targetting your opponents face down card, and he chains it, you are allowed to destroy another face down card because it activates upon resolution. say, your opponent tries to chain it, you can say NO airman activates upon resolution therefore it must be destroyed (if you really want that card gone).

OR you could play dumb and you could say ok i let it pass, you activated it and wasted it, and you destroy another card upon resolution because you CAN CHOOSE because IT DOESNT TARGET .

Here is a link to prove what i said:

The same goes with hero blast. It activates upon resolution.

Lets say you activate hero blast and your opponent tries to return one of his cards to its effect, you can choose to destroy something else. This is because it activates upon resolution. Of course you can play dumb, let him return, then shark him, and destroy something else because hero blast does NOT TARGET.

Now, do you know how imba hero beat is ? YES. But no where as imba as windup.

Until Mermail and windup gets nerfed, i would NOT advise anyone to play hero beat.

New post tmr folks. Wanna get some stuff off my mind before i quit for good :D


鱼缸 said...

Bro~ Hero Blast got target Alius in if got DD crow then finish~

鱼缸 said...

Bro, Hero blast did target =) but it target Alius in graveyard, so DD crow chain on it and you cant add to hand and destroy monster~ but if opponent got no monster you still can activate it =)

Shootingstar =)

Henrique said...

Great Post.


OMG. This post has just whacked my 5-year career as a Heroduelist. Some ppl and I know abt the resolution of Stratos's eff but not the Super Poly. technique.

The ideas here and the geniuses who discovered these are just .... freakishly awesome.

Michael, you never stop to entertain your supporters.

Looking forward to your next blog.


OMG. This post has just whacked my 5-year career as a Heroduelist. Some ppl and I know abt the resolution of Stratos's eff but not the Super Poly. technique.

The ideas here and the geniuses who discovered these are just .... freakishly awesome.

Michael, you never stop to entertain your supporters.

Looking forward to your next blog.


OMG. This post has whacked my 5-year career as a HERO-user.

Some ppl and I know abt the resolution of Stratos's eff but not the Super Poly. ideas and the whole mind tricks/trollings.

These ideas and the geniuses who made these are Freakishly.Awesome.

Micheal, your blog never stop to entertain your supporters.

Keep up the good work, bro. Looking forward to the next blog. XD

mike9944 said...

@ young kang - I'm referring to the effect which destroys a monster lower than the added e hero- that doesn't target. But yes the first effect does target :)

@ heng + henrique - thank u :)

Bahamut84 said...

"Lets say you summon Stratos and declare effect 1 to destroy, when stratos is on the field. opponent will look stunned because there is no other card. ask your opponent for response then after he has done so, you chain super poly, on stratos and opponent's card."

You cant activate the destroy s/t effect if you got no other heroes. (because konami said so lol)

GQ said...

Q:《E・HERO エアーマン》の召喚・特殊召喚に成功した時、自分フィールド上に他のHEROがいない場合、1つ目の効果を選んで発動できますか?

@mike : ruling regarding you need a HERO on board for Stratos. Yup, update on 9th of August this year. If you had posted this up a few months back, I would be a freaking genius; now, I just look like a retard.

mike9944 said...
