Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pre-Post Inzektor List

Basically this was the build i tested out after the scrub, as im the type of player who changes build if i scrub.

It was very consistent during testing. But after going into more hand solitaires and testing, i noticed some inconsistencies.

The following are the problems:

1) 3x Effect Veilers do not suit me they clog too much

2) Autonomous is a problem because of the lp cost which i already cut out 1 warning for.

3) There are 3x of cards that require a discard cost. This is not Card Car build so you should minimize it unless it is very very necessary.

So I :

-1 Veiler
-1 Autonomous
-1 Raigeki Break

What did I put in? Thats for me to know only :) Yes I know i decreased the hate vs the mirror match but I feel that Trooper + Wrath + other cards already make it a beast vs the mirror match.

In case your wondering why Trag is in there, its because he's a boss and a surprise tactic vs Hieros/Inzektor in game 1s, where no one expects it and obviously Hiero wont throw out a Drago. It acts as a pseudo Mind Control in the mirror match. Pitch Hornet, steal the Inzektor you just Veilered.

Why I ditched Raigeki Break? Because many people are running 1 to 2 Forbidden Lance now.

Why no COTH? Because its dead draw early without combo pieces and then theres hieratics.
Thats all for today.


GQ said...

You literally did what I told you to do last weekend (except the veiler)

mike9944 said...

'twas done after playtesting. And you asked me to cut auto ? :0 anyway test this sat at tb

GQ said...

I've said a lot of times, I hated that card right.

mike9944 said...

I cut it only because of its Lp cost and I needed to fill the space with more s/t removal or monster protection since there is no more thunder break. I would like to have it around but it doesn't fit into this build