Sunday, March 14, 2010

Second Filler Post

I didn't mean to double post but its time you guys dig out your Psychics!

Synchro Fusionist- yes I know he looks like the guy on Polymerization. Its supposed to be Summon Demon and the dragon supposed to be Red-Eyes --> Black Skull Dragon FTW

Miracle Synchro Fusion.

Ultimate Psychicker.
Summon Fusionist --> Play Urgent Teleport --> Summon Commander --> Synchro Magic Android --> Search Miracle Synchro Fusion --> Remove Commander and Android --> Summon Psychicker --> Proceed to kick ass.
Notice you only used up 2 cards in the process and thinned your deck down by 2 cards. Nice.
Psychicker CANNOT be destroyed by card effects. Nice. Piercing damage, and healing. Nice.
Light? Honest abuse. Nice.
Anyone thinks that more themed-synchros are gonna be released? Undead? Plants?
I won't be surprised if the cover card is a synchro-fusion like Psychicker too. But better not say, later tio flamed lol.

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