A while ago, I asked one player from my area which Exceeds he thought were good. He commented that he liked Revise Dragon best simply and he thought other Exceeds weren't good, and simply, almost bad.
I was shocked.
I asked him why he though Revise was good. he said it was because it got big @ 2500, and the attack raise was permanent.
Just yesterday, I saw a player selling Revise Dragons on Yugioh FB pages (yes our duelists utilises FB to conduct national trades within our country)
I was curious for the prices (he was from peninsular Malaysia, I'm from Borneo, which are 2 different islands although we are of the same country.
He told me that Revise Dragon was sold out, and some player apparently ordered his whole stock.
I was shocked.
So I asked him why he thought Revise was good, and why it was getting so much attention.
He said that Revise was rank 3, and supposedly had high attack, and can kamikaze with Shien.
I think this post will be sort of a rant.
If you were any sane-minded player, and you were playing competitively, you would probably be shocked that there were players who actually made this sort of remarks.
The answers showed no basis, and i was so shocked that I didnt even bother explaining to them why their statements were so stupid.
This just highlights the ignorance of certain Malaysian players in the game.
Im not speaking about ALL Malaysians in general, im speaking about some only.
What this situation highlights is how Malaysians do not even realise about the concept of card advantage.
Revise Dragon is in no way a card that can gain advantage, and if you really wanted a high attack monster @ 2500 attack, why dont you just fuckin tribute summon a Summoned Skull
This also shows that Malaysians care nothing about good card effects but only high attack monsters, making them look really like primates, because only little kids care about high attack monsters, and 2500 attack in a rank 3 monster is enough to satisfy them.
The last thing that is shown is how Malaysians cant even differ a good effect from a bad one. Revise Dragon's effect is so obviously bad, oops i go to all that trouble to summon Revise only to get Bottomless-ed, Mirror Forced, and 1000000x other traps.
To top it off Revise isnt even easy to summon, the only deck that can do it efficiently now is Sabers, and i dont even need to talk about using Emmersblade, Dark soul, and Fullhelm for an Exceed summon.
The statement about Revise being a decent solution to Shien is blasphemous, you are likely to get BTH-ed, warninged etc halfway while attacking.
Even if you do get Shien off the field successfully for some reason, theres no denying you lost card advantage to Shien already and as a boss monster, thats what shien is supposed to do. Generate +1s and +2s, while ruining tempo and momentum of your opponents plays.
Lets not forget your opponent will flip Double Edge Sword Technique next turn....
So what a sane good player would do, is take advantage of this situation, they would gather lots of Revises at cheap prices, and sell them for enormous profit (probably rm 20 to rm 30 per card), to all the idiots who want them
So, why am I playing the good Samaritan here, and not doing it?
I dont know, I've no time for big scale Yugioh at this point in life, because Im still living under a house with my parents, and I have no intention of forsaking my books, social life, and I simply do not have big enough modal to conduct Yugioh at a higher scale.
I am already earning a few hundred a month from simply investing, and selling, so Im pretty contented with that.
Recently, I just purchased RM600 worth of cards, which are considered cheap for the cards i got, due to good bargaiining, good relationships with sellers/ player, and have just sold off RM600 worth of cards which I have obtained at a much lesser price.
Although it is a good scheme to invest in Revises and sell them to idiots, i dont have the heart to do this, because you must remember, those players are also part of the entire Malaysian Duelist Community, and if they are bad players, the environment here will be bad, and it just makes us look shameful to other duelists around the world.
If the environment is bad, there is no way the community's intellectual force will expand, and the good will get better and better (that is why Sung Lee, Zack, Andrew, Sean etc keeps topping tourney after tourney) while the others either sink worse and worse, or never grow as players.
So, what can we do to thwart this?
From what I see, any player that is exposed to the online Yugioh community, such as blogs, TCGplayer, DGz, Pojo, and catching up on the official Yugioh site's coverage of Western events are free from this ignorance.
So, I'd like to urge the English-literate players in our Malaysian community to spread their knowledge to the other players on card strategies, and even simple concepts like card advantage.
Im talking about people who can actually read, write and speak proper English to players, and the bloggers have a big role in this, and not those who can read and speak half-assed broken English.
Those who have mastered a full command of the English and Mandarin language are even more useful assets because they can understand what we write online, and translate it properly to those players who can only grasp half the stuff we write here.
Currently, our country is quite behind in everything, economy,politics, social affairs, development, and ironically, its Yugioh too!
Our neighbours, the Singaporeans have no problem with this ignorance thing, because their players are of a different level compared to ours. Hence how Sam can come to every Malaysian official sanctioned event, and take top 3 everytime.
So, as dutiful citizens (??), it is our job to help. Next time you see a player making bad, unprofessional remarks, do remember this article, and try explaining to them why they were wrong.
Thank you for reading =)
And to practice what i preach, i'll try explaining to that player/seller about Revise.